
Join Us for BGA Earth Day 2024!

Join the 2030 Crew at the Broadway Green Alliance Earth Day Celebration

Join us on a journey of change and empowerment at the Earth Day Celebration on April 20, 2024! The 2030 crew is thrilled to be part of this iconic event, where we will be spreading the vital message of our mission to end the climate crisis.


Earth Day is a powerful platform that unites communities, activists, and visionaries under the common goal of fostering a sustainable future. It’s not just about understanding the crisis—we’re here to activate and inspire every individual to take meaningful action. At the 2030 booth, you’ll be able to download our app, join our community or become a volunteer. Join us for enlightening discussions, and practical steps you can take to make a tangible impact on our planet’s health.


Our presence at the Earth Day celebration is a call to action. We believe that change starts with awareness and results from collective effort. By joining forces, we can transform our approach to the environment and create a wave of impact that echoes through our communities and beyond.


Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and learn how you can contribute to a significant global movement. Whether you’re a seasoned activist or new to the cause, your participation is crucial. Together, we can turn the tide on climate change and pave the way for a resilient and thriving planet.


Ready to be part of the solution? Click here for the event page and join us in making Earth Day 2024 a milestone in our journey towards ending the climate crisis. See you there!

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